Climate Hub

The Sustainable Insurer’s Climate Hub examines steps insurers can take to help address climate mitigation and adaptation challenges and identifies four key areas in which the industry can make a positive contribution to the challenges facing the world.

Reducing Emissions

  • Industry must make quantitative progress in reducing carbon emissions
  • Methodologies and frameworks will need to be in place to measure this progress
  • Carriers must ensure clients have robust low-carbon transition plans before allocating capacity

Enabling Transition

  • Brokers and carriers can work with clients to help firms manage their journey to net zero
  • “Stick and carrot” approach can help change behaviour as economy transitions away from carbon
  • Industry can develop products which enable the development of new technologies for low-carbon future

Building Resilience

  • Solutions to close information gap can help industry develop risk transfer tools that help build societal resilience
  • Innovative parametric tools can play important role in reducing economic hardship following climate-enabled events
  • By “building back better” the industry can help create a more resilient society

Educating Society

  • Industry can help communities understand, prepare for and reduce climate-related risks
  • Initiatives can help educate client base and guide them through their own path to net zero
  • These measures will in turn help reshape perceptions of the industry and potentially attract new talent